Islamic and jihadist design elements in the proposed Flight 93 memorial

From the book Murderers' Mosque, by Alec Rawls, forthcoming from World Ahead Publishing in July 2006.

Copyright © 2006 by Alec Rawls



Exhibit 1.  Crescent and star.

When the winning Crescent of Embrace design for the Flight 93 memorial was unveiled in September, onlookers were aghast to see planted on the crash site, not just a gigantic Islamic crescent, but a full naked Islamic crescent-and-star flag:


Exhibit 2.  Not just a crescent, but an Islamic crescent.

Architect Paul Murdoch denied that his crescent is similar to an Islamic crescent:

“It’s a generic term for a form that’s basically a curved line,” he said. “Sure, there is an Islamic crescent. But it has a very different form.

“Theirs is a lunar crescent. Ours isn’t based on that.”

Comparison of the site-plan to an Islamic crescent shows that Murdoch’s pants are on fire:

Sequence shows the crescent from the Tunisian flag, rotated to match the Crescent of Embrace site-plan. (Similar to Zombie's graphic from 2 days after the Crescent of Embrace was unveiled, but Zombie rotated the site-plan to match the orientation of the crescent on the Tunisian flag instead of vice versa.)

Whatever the Islamic crescent is based on, Murdoch’s is based on the same thing, because they are the same.


Exhibit 3.  It points towards Mecca.

Eaotin Shrdulu's graphic from 3 days after the Crescent of Embrace design was unveiled.

Eaotin combined a snippet of the Crescent site-plan with a map projection from space above the Flight 93 crash-site. The red-green line goes straight from Mecca through the crash-site. North is towards the top of the page, both in the world-map projection and in the superimposed piece of the Crescent site-plan.

Notice that the perpendicular to Eaotin’s Mecca-line comes very close to touching the two most obtruding points of the Crescent of Embrace. There is a small gap at the bottom, meaning that a person facing directly into the Crescent of Embrace is actually facing slightly north of the exact Mecca-line (1.73° north to be exact).


Exhibit 4.  Do the math.

Don’t trust the anonymous Eaotin’s world-map projection? No need. The Mecca orientation of Murdoch’s crescent is easy to verify mathematically.

Screenshots of Paul Murdoch's half-mile wide central crescent, both from the original Crescent of Embrace site-plans (left) and from the site-plans for the Bowl of Embrace redesign (right). The only change in the entire redesign was the addition of a few trees along the left side of the circle that the original crescent party inscribes.

The longer red line in the image on the left connects the most obtruding crescent tips of the original Crescent of Embrace. The shorter red line is the perpendicular bisector of the crescent-tip line. It depicts the orientation of the crescent (arrow). Counting the rise and run of this bisector in pixels, and translating this slope into degrees, a person facing directly into the original Crescent of Embrace would be facing 53.46 degrees clockwise from north.  That is only 1.73 degrees from the true Mecca-line (55.19 degrees from North).  

Exhibit 7  below gives simple instructions for calculating the true Mecca-direction and for calculating angles in graphics. Anyone can easily verify all the information in this post by doing these simple calculations for themselves.

Even after 9/11, a barbaric conspiracy of grand proportions, many people are loathe to even look at evidence of conspiracy for fear of being thought a conspiracy-nut, but there is no murky sourcing of information here. To be convinced of the Islamic and jihadist features of Murdoch's design, no one needs to trust anyone but themselves.


Exhibit 5.  The Mecca-oriented crescent is still present in redesign.

In the preceding graphic, notice that the most obtruding point at the top of the original crescent is the end of the thousand-foot-long, forty-foot-tall, Entry Portal wall. Notice also that this vast concrete structure remains unchanged in the Bowl of Embrace redesign.

The redesign added a few trees out beyond the end of the Entry Portal wall, but since the upper crescent tip was defined by the wall, not by trees, adding a few trees in this area does nothing to affect the upper crescent tip. As for the lower crescent tip, the redesign did not make any change to the bottom half of the memorial design at all. Thus both crescent tips, and the orientation of the crescent they define, remain exactly as they were in the original Crescent of Embrace. The bisector still points 1.73° north of the exact Mecca-line.

You can see how overtly the upper crescent tip remains in place from this image, released with the Bowl of Embrace redesign:

 "Western Overlook," from the Memorial Project's media page.

The first time Paul Murdoch tried to sneak a half-mile wide Mecca-oriented crescent onto the crash site, he was caught by gate security (the American people). The Memorial Project told him to go back outside and try again, which is exactly what he did. The only change Murdoch made was to slip on a fake beard (the couple of extra trees to the left).


Exhibit 6. The crescents of trees around the Tower of Voices also point to Mecca

For anyone who can imagine that the Mecca orientation of Murdoch's central crescent could be coincidence, he repeated the same orientation in the crescents of trees surrounding the Tower of Voices:

Eaotin's true-Mecca-line graphic, with Tower of Voices site-plan superimposed.

Notice that a line drawn across the most obtruding tips of the Tower crescents will point just a bit north of the exact Mecca-line. This slightly inexact Mecca orientation of the Tower crescents turns out to match the slightly inexact Mecca orientation of Murdoch’s central crescent exactly, within the accuracy allowed by the pixel resolution of the graphics. Both point approximately 1.75° north of the exact Mecca-line.

This proves that neither orientation is an accident. The full design includes numerous redundant proofs. All will be exposed when Murderers' Mosque comes out this summer.


Exhibit 7:  Great-circle calculations and arctangent calculations.

Great circle calculations
A variety of great-circle calculators are available online. The Kansas City Amateur Television Group has one posted here.

Visiting the Flight 93 crash-site with Google Earth shows the coordinates of the point of impact to be 40:03:07N by 78:54:17W.  A Google Earth visit to Mecca shows coordinates of 21:25:48N by 39:49:12E. Punching these numbers into the KCATV calculator, the direction to Mecca from the crash-site comes up as 55.19 degrees (measured clockwise from north).

Screen-shot of great-circle calculator. Different calculators use different assumptions about the shape of the Earth, but they all yield directions to Mecca from the crash site that are within a tenth of a degree of 55.2. 

Screen-shots of graphics
To take a screenshot of a graphic on a Windows PC, press “alt” + “print screen” at the same time. The screen-shot is now on your clip-board and can be pasted into a graphics program.

Arctangent calculations
For those who graphics programs do not calculate polar coordinates, the arctangent function provides a simple way to convert rise and run in pixels into slope in degrees. (Plain-Jane Microsoft Paint has pixel counters at the lower right of the screen.)

For any right triangle, the tangent function of an acute angle A is defined as the ratio of the side opposite A to the side adjacent to A. Tangent (A) = (a/b). 

Applying the arctangent function to both sides of this equation leaves the equality intact:

Arctangent (tangent(A)) = arctangent (a/b).

The arctangent function is the inverse of the tangent function, so applying both functions to A just leaves A. That means:

A = arctangent (a/b),  which is just what we need. Microsoft paint allows us to measure a and b in pixels, and we want to know the implied angle A.


The first image of Exhibit 4 is from a screenshot of page 4 of the Crescent of Embrace PDFs, blown up to 600%. The line that connects the tips of the red maple crescent in this screenshot covers 448 pixels north to south and 332 pixels west to east. Flip these over to get the slope of the bisector in pixels (332px of rise for every 448px of run).

To find the slope of this bisector in degrees, just solve for A = arctangent (332/448) = 36.54 degrees = the angle of the red bisector line above horizontal (east, in the triangle graphic above).

Global orientations are usually specified in terms of degrees clockwise from north, not degrees counter-clockwise from east. Degrees down from north and up from east sum to 90, so subtract 36.54 from 90 to get that the red bisector in Figure 1 is oriented 53.46 degrees clockwise from north.

Any rudimentary scientific calculator will have the arctangent function on it, which can be used to perform these calculations. If you don't have a scientific calculator, you can find one online here (press "inv" then "tan" to apply the arctangent function).


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